Commander TNI: Education for people is very important


TNI Puspen Report, Colonel Sus Taibur Rahman

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, PALU – Education for the people is very important, not only in the face of life in the world but also as a provision in l & # 39; beyond. Muslims who have deep knowledge and insight are people who really wanted the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

This was transmitted by the Commander of the TNI, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, S.I.P. in front of 25,000 congregations in the Central Sulawesi region on the 50th anniversary of Haul Akbar's 50th Old Master in Pasantren Alkhairaat, while representing the President of Indonesia to the Chief of Police, located at Jl. Sis Al-Jufri , Kamonji urban village, Palu Barat sub-district, Palu city, Central Sulawesi, Saturday (30/6/2018).

  TNI commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto
Commander of Marshal TNI TNI Hadi Tjahjanto. (TRIBUNNEWS.COM/Kolonel Sus Taibur Rahman)

In addition, Commander TNI explained that Al-Habib Idrus Ben Salim Al-Jufri who knows the call of the Old Master by dedicating all his life to educating the Ummah to eradicate ignorance and underdevelopment is very significant. services that will be rewarded by Allah SWT with a worthy reward.

"He really practices the command of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to study as much as possible during the life of the contained body by spreading the education to the people as wide as possible," said Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto .

Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto, linked to the struggle of the old teacher to disseminate education to the people to eradicate ignorance and delay, invites all peoples to continue the struggle which was led by Al-Habib bin Idris Salim Al-Jufri.

  Commander of the TNI Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto
Commander TNI Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto. (TRIBUNNEWS.COM/Kolonel Sus Taibur Rahman)

On this occasion, Commander TNI said that the Old Master has left a lot of precious and precious heritage, such as the Islamic educational institution Al-Khairaat which has made amazing achievements. "From a simple school developed in thousands of schools and madrasah," he said.

On the other hand, Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto stated that the current challenges of the Indonesian nation are increasingly conflictual and have required superior human resources (HR) capable of coping and winning the competition at the world level. "If people are not ready in the face of global competition, we will only be spectators or even developed countries on a monthly basis.These efforts can only be implemented if we do not realize how important it is. unity and unity, "he said.

"When we are united, the stability needed for construction will be achieved, no country is progressing without national stability," said TNI chief of marshal Hadi Tjahjanto.

  TNI commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto
Commander of Marshal TNI TNI Hadi Tjahjanto. (TRIBUNNEWS.COM/Kolonel Sus Taibur Rahman)

Also attending the event were the general police chief Pol. H. Mr. Tito Karnavian. Ph.D., Asintel TNI Commanding General Benny Indra Pujihastono, SIP, Asops General Commander TNI Lodewyk Pusung, TNI Aster General Commander Kustanto Widiatmoko, MDA, TNI Kabi TNI TNI Kisenda Wiranatakusumah, Pangdam XIII / Merdeka Maj. General TNs Madsuni, Kapuspen Major General of the TNI Army, Mr. Sabrar Fadhilah, Inspector General of Central Sulawesi Police, General Ketut Argawa, Inspector General of Asops Police Pol Drs. Deden Juhara, Commander of the Brimob Corps of Inspector General Pol Rudi Sufahriadi, Chairman of Alkhairaat H.S. Saggaf bin Muhammad Aljufri, MA, Head of Ponpes Alkhairaat Tanggerang KH. Ubaidillah Hamdani, President of Ponpes Alkhairaat Semarang HS. Muhammad Ridho Assegaf and Governor of Central Sulawesi Drs. H. Longki Djanggola, M.Sc. (*)

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