Congratulations! Caisar official married for the second time


– It was not long before Caisar Aditya Putra to rebuild a home, after a divorce with Indadari in January 2018. Now, Caisar was already officially married for the second time with the woman of his choice, Intan Sri Mardiani aka Almaratu Intan

The wedding ceremony took place at the bride's house in Cimahpar, North Bogor, West Java, on 30/6. Around 9:30 pm, the qabul ijab process was done. The dot given Caisar in the form of gold jewelry 12 grams.

"Brother Caisar iabab qabulnya already memorized?" asked the prince to the Emperor with a smile.

<img src = "" border = "0" alt = "Emperor © When / Nuzulur Rakhmah

Emperor © Kapanlagi / Nuzulur Rakhmah

The Emperor seen is a little nervous, even before the Qabul ijab, Caisar had repeatedly practiced qabul's consent. (19659002) "I received the marriage and marriage Intan Sri Mardiani Sunardi bint with dowry is paid in cash, "said Caisar with a breath.

After being declared legitimate as a husband and wife, the bride seated side by side with the emperor. Look happy and happy face from Caisar and Diamond who looks beautiful wearing a white wedding dress Congratulations to Caisar and Almaratu Intan

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