Consequences if TMII does not visit taxes that pay 1.9 billion rupees …


JAKARTA, – The direction of the magnificent Indonesian Miniature Park (TMII) has threatened to report to the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (KPK) by the Government of East Jakarta City if, until December 2018, the management of TMII had not repaid its tax debt.

In October 2018, the East Jakarta City Government settled the tax arrears on several TMII vehicles. Up to now, the arrears of Rp 1.9 billion have not been repaid.

"Yes, we will report to the KPK because if the taxpayer has been lodged, then an appeal is a warning, a forced collection." According to our provisions, it will involve all law enforcement officials, including those who are responsible for enforcing the law. the KPK, "said Ari Sonjaya, welfare badistant for the people of East Jakarta. at the office of the mayor of East Jakarta, Pulogebang, Thursday (29/11/2018).

Ari said that, currently, the municipal government continues to coordinate with TMII to ensure that arrears are paid immediately before the deadline.

"We informally coordinated with the village chief and the sub-district chief, and verbally indicated that they (TMII) were in the process of calculating all the financial accounting," he said.

Read also: Snowbay and the Keong Mas TMII back taxes theater, Here is the detail of the value …

Although it is directly supervised by the Secretariat of the Ministry of State (Setneg), the corresponding tax arrears must be repaid by TMII.

Indeed, Kemensetneg is only the responsible party, while management is handled by TMII's own management.

"This is only the person in charge, but the tax is paid directly to third parties.The state secretariat is solely responsible for the property and in this case, the state secretariat can not intervene Because those who have operated are subject to management by third parties, "said Ari.

The Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) was installed Wednesday (10/24/2018) by the East Jakarta City Government with taxpayer signage.

As is known, on the basis of data obtained from the East Jakarta Regional Revenue Tax and Compensation Agency, several vehicle tax arrears in TMII amounted to Rp 1.9 billion.

The details, the Snowbay tax arrears of 871 million rupees, the Imax Keong Mas theater of 386 million rupees and the freshwater aquarium park are delayed by 360 millions of rand.

Then, the Skylift cable car had arrears of 168 million rand, the tourist village of 74 million rupees and Sasono Langgeng Budoyo of 79 million rupees.

Also read: The vehicle in TMII that is tax arrears will not be lightened

Not relieved

Ari Sonjaya said that the direction of the beautiful Indonesian miniature park (TMII) had sent a letter to the governor of DKI Jakarta asking for a tax break.

"Yes, the bid was done well (TMII), but we evaluated whether it was appropriate or not," Ari said.

Even in this case, he indicated that the request for relief would not be given because the tax arrears in TMII pertained to a commercial or paid vehicle.

Relief will be granted only at places of social nature, such as places of worship and traditional houses, of the TMII.

"Although relief is not in general, but partly a potential tax for entertainment tax.Snowbay is not (can be alleviated), because what is given is social, commercial, we do not give, those who hold the sponsor are still taxed, "he said.

Management response from TMII

The director of culture and information of the magnificent Indonesian Miniature Park (TMII), Dwi Windiarto, said that he was working to pay the arrears before the December 2018 deadline. .

"Hopefully a month from now, the problem is over, we try to pay," Dwi said by phone Kompas.comThursday (29/11/2018).

However, Dwi was reluctant to mention the obstacles faced by TMII until he was unable to pay the tax arrears.

He is still waiting for the answer from DKI Jakarta governor, Anies Baswedan, about the audience on the backlog of taxes.

TMII sent the letter to Anies in October 2018. However, until now, he has not received an answer.

"Oh yes, we are still asking the governor for the time that has not yet been received." Yes, the letter of submission was quite long in October.We wrote a letter proposing a hearing, "he said. -he declares.

The letter was submitted by the Secretariat of the Ministry of State as the responsible party for TMII.

"Efforts are also being made through the state secretariat.In fact, the state secretariat is working because the UN certificate has authority within the secretariat of state" said Dwi.

Apply for a tax exemption

Dwi Windiarto said that TMII had requested relief from the payment of tax arrears.

Not only was the relief, Dwi said management wanted TMII to be exempt from all taxes.

"This is not just a relief, if you can apply for a tax exemption," said Dwi during his contact Kompas.comThursday (29/11/2018).

The demand for tax exemption is not without reason, but because TMII is the center of conservation of cultural fauna and flora.

"Yes, because TMII is a cultural conservation, as a conservation of flora and fauna.There should be rules governing fiscal matters.We are not commercial, but for the community.Do you know yourself- even when entering the cheapest TMII, "he said.

The pre-tax request applies to all rides, including Snowbay and cable cars.

"We always ask (tax-free), we try if we can not, it can not be done because there are also vehicles inside TMII ", concluded Dwi.

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