Consumption habits of vegetables and fruits avoid communities affected by chronic diseases


TRIBUNNERS – Ministry of Health data show an increase in obesity among adults since 2007.

Low vegetable intake is thought to be the leading cause of health problems ranging from obesity to cancer, to stroke, chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus and diabetes. 39; hypertension.

Consumption of Indonesian fruits and vegetables refers to 2016 BPS data, which reach 173 grams per day, less than the World Health Organization's (WHO) nutritional adequacy rate of 400 grams. per day.

While the consumption of fruits is lower than that of vegetables, it reaches 67 grams per capita and per day. The government's proposal through the Ministry of Health to consume fruit up to 2-3 servings a day does not seem to be a priority for the community. Fast food consumption only, junk food remains the preferred menu.

"If our body lacks consumption of fruits and vegetables, the impact can be sustainable, even today, noncommunicable diseases hit many young people and are still productive," said Dr. Susianto Tseng .

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The consumption of fruits and vegetables is recognized by doctors, who are also vegan. This discipline is the key to maintaining the body's resistance to disease attacks. The vegetable formula in the dish is very simple: 1/3 of vegetables, 1/3 of rice, 1/6 of fruit and 1/6 of accompaniment.

The availability of vegetables on the market, both traditional and modern, is also sufficient. Similarly with the variety and quality, no less than imported vegetables. Indeed, Indonesian vegetable growers have access to high quality vegetable seeds.

In fact, the government has enough incentives to encourage people to eat fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. By Presidential Regulation No. 42 of 2013 on the National Movement for the Improvement of Nutrition, it is clear that the priority in health is to tackle the problem of community nutrition, especially children. under five, raising awareness of fruit and vegetable consumption.

"Three aspects are at the center of healthy lifestyle awareness, namely the increase in physical activity, the consumption of vegetables and fruits, and then the early detection of the disease," explained the Minister of Health, Nila Moeloek.

Through disciplined efforts to consume fruits and vegetables, avoiding the consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, the Indonesian people will avoid the trend of noncommunicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

Based on the examination of blood glucose, diabetes mellitus increased from 6.9% to 8.5%; and the results of blood pressure measurements, hypertension rose from 25.8% to 34.1%.

Dr. According to Susianto Tseng, vegetables are a healthy vitamin, low in fat and fat. Health experts strongly recommend eating enough vegetables each day.

"Our generation lacks vegetables and fruit, only 8% consume it," said the doctor, also vegan. The consumption of vegetables and fruits must be used from childhood, the role of parents is very important here.

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