Continuous divorce session, Sule promises to do it!


BANGKAPOS.COM – Sule and Lina's divorce lawsuit still going on

Tribute Jabar launch, the second divorce court's agenda is the second mediation, Thursday (5/7 / 2018).

This divorce trial takes place in Cimahi Clbad 1A Religious Court, Soreang, Bandung Kabupaten

Lina's lawyer, Abdurahman T Pratomo, confirmed the presence of the defendant and the complainant on Wednesday (3/7 / 2018)

Lina as a complainant is certain to come. 19659002] "Lina must be present tomorrow, because tomorrow is the second and probably the last mediation agenda to come or not we see the development tomorrow," he said during his contact with Tribun Jabar, Wednesday 4/7/2018. (19659002) According to the agreement, Sule will be present at 21:00

Read: Mbah Mijan Terawang There is an odd in the case Nining lost in the sea

Time of the trial will be held at the moment when Sule will go to the religious court of Cimahi

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