Controversial claims of Chinese researchers in child genetic engineering


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Scientists and bioethics have criticized a Chinese researcher who claimed to have succeeded in "creating" the first genetically modified baby.

He Jiankui of the South China University of Science and Technology said that he had modified the DNA of the binoculars born earlier this month to help them fight against the possibility of ## 147 ## 39, an infection with the AIDS virus. This is criticized by scientists because the genetic engineering of humans is contrary to the code of scientific ethics.

But there is no independent confirmation of Jiankui's claims, and his claims have not been published in the newspaper.

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According to the Associated Press, on November 28, 2018, he revealed the genetic engineering of infants on Monday, Nov. 26 in Hong Kong, while a conference on genetic engineering was underway.

Another 100 scientists signed the petition calling for increased monitoring of genetic engineering experiments.

Illustration of genetic engineering.[RTE]

The university that houses Mr. He said that he would mobilize experts to investigate Mr. He's research that was contrary to ethics and academic standards.

A spokesman for Mr. Il said that he was on school leave since the beginning of this year, but that he had stayed at the faculty and that he had a lab at the university.

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Authorities in Shenzhen, the city where the Il He laboratory is located, have also launched an investigation.

In the United States, Rice University announced that it would investigate the involvement of physics professor Michael Deem. This type of genetic engineering is banned in the United States, although Mr. Deem claimed to have worked with Mr. He on a project in China.

He Jiankui, a Chinese researcher, spoke at the Genetic Engineering Conference in Hong Kong on Wednesday, November 28, 2018.[AP/Kin Cheung]

"No matter where it takes place, this project as described in the press violates the guidelines of scientific conduct and does not conform to the ethical standards of the scientific community and Rice University," said the university.

Genetic engineering reorganizes the DNA to provide the missing genes needed or to disable one of the genes causing the problem. But genetic engineering is only tested for the first time in adults as in the treatment of a serious illness.

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Genetic engineering is different from the engineering of eggs, sperm or embryos because it can result in permanent changes that can be pbaded on to future generations.

The risks are unknown and leading scientists have called for a moratorium on the use of genetic engineering, except in the context of laboratory research, until they are fully investigated.

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