Cool, Xiaomi Mi Special Edition 6x Hatsune Miku


Xiaomi Mi 6X special edition Hatsune Miku was launched yesterday in China. The highlight of this new edition is the beautiful artwork with the theme Hatsune Miku and the special accessories that she presents.

Xiaomi launched the special edition of Hatsune Miku in Redmi Note 4X last year. This edition is very popular in Japan where the character VOLACOID Hatsune Miku comes. Success can accelerate the release of this new version

Xiaomi Mi 6X Special Edition Hatsune Miku has a design covering the image of the character Hatsune Miku on the back panel of the phone. This phone is wrapped in a special box where there is a metal card with Hatsune Miku. In the purchase package, you also get a transparent cover and also a 10000mAh power bank.

Interestingly each special edition of Mi 6X Hatsune Miku has a unique overall number written under the back picture. There are only 5000 units available so we badume the numbers will be 01-5000.

The Xiaomi Mi 6X edition Hatsune Miku has a specification of 6GB RAM with 64GB internal memory. In addition, this device will be priced at 2099 yuan (about 4.5 million yuan).

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This phone will be sold on July 3 in China via Mi Mall while preorder already biased made now. Interested? (MS)

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