Countries can not lose any harm Actions like this


JAKARTA, – The Minister of Coordination in charge of politics, law and security affairs, Wiranto, stressed that the country would lose nothing in the face of the anarchic action that occurred Wednesday morning (22/05 / 2019).

This was said by Wiranto during a statement made to the office of the Ministry of Coordination of Political, Legal and Security Affairs, central Jakarta, Wednesday afternoon, to deal with this riot.

"We agree, the state must not lose bad deeds like this, it must protect all nations and shed the blood of Indonesia," Wiranto said.

Read also: Wiranto: We already know the brain of riots

He added that the riots had been perpetrated by disguised rioting groups to create chaos.

The goal, said Wiranto, was to attack the security forces and provoke antipathy towards a legitimate government.

"We hope people will not be affected, so please do not accept irrational explanations," he said.

Wiranto said his party would provide periodic information to the public on the current situation.

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