CPNS 2018 – BKN Announces Verval Results Available Through Website and Social Media


TRIBUNSTYLE.COM – The State Public Service Agency (BKN) revealed that several ministries and institutions had completed the verification and validation (Verval) of the results of the program CPNS 2018 SKD Tuesday (11/27/2018 ).

As previously known, the selection of the CPNS 2018 changes the schedule several times.

The change in schedule is due to several problems encountered in the field during the implementation of the CPNS 2018 selection.

The most recent is the delay in announcing the results of the ESSC 2018 Basic Skills Selection (SKD).

The SKD CPNS 2018 graduation announcement may actually be known after the appearance of SKD.

• Announcement of SKD results CPNS 2018 soon, the head of BKN signed and the SKB calendar appears

• Update announcement of participants having pbaded the SKD CPNS 2018 Kemenkumham, important check calendar and place of SKB examination

• The CPNS SKB 2018 test material, divided into 2 groups, is as follows: complete technical reviews

However, if it refers to the initial pbad mark before changing the graduation rate is very low.

Based on these figures, a ministry regulation has been issued to follow up on the participants entitled to participate in the selection of the field skills of the CPNS 2018.

Through the BKN tweet with the @BKNgoid account name on Tuesday (27/11/2018), it was announced that several departments or agencies had announced who had the right to follow the SKB.

In his message, it was also stated that the announcement of the results of audits of several departments or agencies could be verified on their respective websites.

Through his tweet, BKN also appealed to participants in the formation of the selection of CPNS 2018 within the regional government, apparently not yet over.

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