VIVA – A motorist complains of pity after crushing a police woman (Polwan) on duty in Jakarta, Friday July 13, 2018.
The video of this biker's excuses was viral in social media because looked more than 15 thousand times. The police officer who was the victim was Pradi Supriatna, wife of Deputy Deputy Mayor.
The traffic officer of Polda Metro Jaya is Iptu Martha Catur Wurihandini. The incident began when the woman who familiarly calls Martha tries to cope with a motorist who wants to pierce fly over .
"It's true that my wife is a victim. The Jakarta incident has resumed the task. So the offenders climbed over while the two-wheeled vehicle could not roll over instead of stopping it even faster. Instead of being struck by injuries, "said Deputy Mayor of Depok, Pradi Supriatna when this was confirmed by reporters.
The author was finally protected by a number of other police officers.At that time, the unidentified youth cried, apologized to Martha Iptu. "The woman immediately apologized, but she still received tickets. My wife just said, next time not, to solve the problem, "he said.
Pradi claimed that his wife had forgiven the author and considered the incident as a risk for a police officer. "One does not expect his wife's baseball to be affected, but he is already sorry. Injury to the finger. Alhamdulillah my wife was not traumatized because it is a duty of the state. "I'm not traumatized, it's part of the job," Iptu Martha said behind the phone laughing.
19659005] Related to the incident, the police commissioner of Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Yusuf said that Martha was Danton (platoon commander) at Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya. "It's my member (Martha)," he said when confirmed by reporters on Friday, July 13, 2018.
The incident in the video occurred in the area fly over Pesing, West Jakarta. At the time of the incident, the two-wheeled driver had time to escape when he was treated, but eventually even crashed.
Yusuf said that Marthe had stopped the runner for not escaping. But the runner even crashed. "After getting rid of a motorcycle that pbades on the road, he even broke through, was arrested, even nabrak," he said.
Finally, the runner is still supported but he was not taken to the Polda Metro Jaya. . (Ren)
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