Create a song for Bowo, young Lex: Probably on Bully

[ad_1] – Lately, the name of Bowo is in the public honor because of his football in the application of Tok Tik. But despite the lashes and scathing remarks continue to lead to Bowo Young Lex himself saw the famous internet from another point of view. In fact, Young Lex confessed that it was not impossible that he made a song for Bowo.

"(Bowo) Gak diajarin singing, exclamation aja sing together ya Wo, joged-joged aja.Cua never heard Bowo sing hell, maybe if his voice good, make the "Aja song what's wrong, legitimate Aja," said Young Lex, when he met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, Friday (6/7).

In addition, Young Lex revealed that he still does not know what song he would make if he was working with Bowo later. It's just an intimidation, so a brief idea that comes to Lex Lex's mind, given the many comments and harsh criticisms directed at Bowo lately.

<img src = "" border = "0" alt = " Young Lex does not rule out making a song for Young Lex © Apriyanto [19659005] Young Lex has not ruled out making a song for Young Lex © Apriyanto [19659006] "Bikinin song that lives bikinin.We make a song, we collab do not know what, maybe about bully it could be creative Creative do anything if it's okay still okay he told Bowo no work, let me bikinin cakes for example, "explained the rapper singer Office Boy

" Yes, I want, "says Bowo, when asked if he wanted to make a song by Young Lex or not.

As for the new program with Bowo, Lex Young confesses that he can not be sure of the future. Although Young Lex still does not close the possibility for him to work with Bowo.

"(If it's a common program) It's not really the Bowo process, it's Bowo so it's a guest star. Yes, if his reunion depends on the 24th floor, "concludes Young Lex. v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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