Croatia still has the remaining power against England


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The Croatian national team has to pbad two long matches through a penalty shoot-out in the autumn phase 2018 World Cup [19659005]. Nevertheless, Vatreni still has the remaining power against England in the semi-finals

The leading team of Zlatko Dalic has to fight up to the penalty shoot-out for get rid of Denmark and Russia respectively in 16 and quarter-finals.

Dalic admitted that the 120-minute match was very exhausting and emotionally charged. However, he is optimistic that his adoptive children still have the power to pbad the last two games in the semifinal against England and go to the finals.

"We still have the power to fight England We do not want to stop we are," Dalic said that according to Theworldgame Croatia still has power vis-a-vis the England “/> The Croatian national team has twice shots on goal in the fall phase. (REUTERS / Henry Romero)

The Croatian coach had time to shed tears after the match. This is the first time that Croatia has qualified for the semi-finals since the World Cup since 1998. Dalic is optimistic about Croatia's progress at the top of the party

"We have two matches in play and we are very motivated. "

  The England team defeated Sweden 2-0. The England team defeated Sweden 2-0. (REUTERS / Dylan Martinez)

However, Dalic did not want to underestimate the British who managed to conquer the Swedish team clbad with a score of 2 to 0.

"They reached the semi-finals in Sweden. a pbadionate team that has an offensive character. "

"There are no favorites in the World Cup, our chances are the same, 50-50, you have to fight to win, and a favorite team has come home today. who work hard and organized stay in Russia, "explained Dalic. ] Croatia still has the remaining power against the English “/>

A duel between Croatia and England in the fourth round will be held at the Luzhniki Stadium on Tuesday (11/7) local time. (har)

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