Crowds sent to community health center


* Under-staff of Health Office and Blood Control

MEULABOH – Ten residents of a number of gampongs from Panton Reu District, in western Aceh, were taken to the Meutulang Health Center, local district, on Monday, November 26 in the evening. . Because residents suddenly contracted an illness that they found strange and related to malaria, which attacked it en mbade a dozen years ago.

Information collected by Serambi, Tuesday (11/27), residents who contracted the disease experienced cold heat, pain throughout the body, including sore throats and headaches. The number was even mentioned to reach 17 people, but seven of them were immediately transported to the hospital Monday night, and then gradually increased to reach ten people.

Until yesterday afternoon, seven more people were still being treated at the Puskesmas: M Syarif (50), Abdul Hamid (43), Abdullah (43), Rusmi (43), Husaini (40) , Ismanto (18) and Rusli (41). They reside in Baro Paya, Tamping and Blang Teugoh, local districts.

Arif Fahmi, a local resident in Serambi yesterday, said that the original residents suspected malaria because about 12 years ago their area was endemic, but no longer exists. "Residents badociated him with a strange illness," he said.

In response to this incident, the West Aceh Health Bureau (Dinkes) on Tuesday returned a team headed by the head of the HT Ridwan MKes health office to the Meutulang Health Center and said that the health care team in the city of Meutulang was unable to attend. is returned to the village whose inhabitants have contracted the disease. "We did a blood test, in Puskemas there were ten people and a few others in several villages." The results of the initial examination, which was tested by the residents, were not the same. malaria and some had started to look better after receiving the drug intravenously, "said HT Ridwan.

However, said HT Ridwan, the Dinkes team has confirmed the attack of the disease by the locals. He admitted that a few days before the residents contract the disease, there was a maulid treat, so the residents ate with him during the program. But we do not know if it has to do with the food or drink they eat or not. "In addition to being examined, blood samples were also taken from Meulaboh for further examination," he explained.

Ridwan, head of Aceh's West Health Office, added that, to temporarily manage his party, he had distributed mosquito nets to families affected by the disease. He should be able to help, while those still being treated at the Puskesmas are always watched and watched. "Examinations done while patients are still being treated do not need to be referred to the Meulaboh hospital, still in the Puskesmas," he said.

He acknowledged that before the tsunami, in the village, the area or region was endemic to malaria. But this has been going on for a long time and there is no malaria in West Aceh. Despite this, the Dinkes team continued to monitor and inspect residents to determine the condition that affected them. (rice)

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