Day 26, Lucinta Luna Ngebet Married to Dilan


RAKYATKU.COM – Lucinta Luna celebrated his 26th birthday in a five-star hotel in Jakarta. After the candle procession, Lucinta Luna, who at first happily burst into tears.

Initially, Luna who was wearing a pink evening dress was getting ready to give her the first piece of cake. However, Lucinta Luna is sad to remember her birthday this time, the figure of her mother is gone.

"If my mom is still here, I love mom, I can now realize my mom's dream" says Lucinta Luna at her birthday party Grand Hyatt Hotel, Central Jakarta

Lucinta Luna is speechless and can only cry while remembering her mother. But he said that he was happy that the 26th anniversary could be celebrated with his close friends.

"I usually just celebrate with the family, now I can invite friends who strengthen, accompany the fight and make me happy.The concept of a glamorous pink party," he explains.

With his age is easier, make Lucinta Luna think about marriage.In relation to the man who called Dilan, Lucinta Luna confessed would keep the boyfriend secret until he got married.

"Why does Luna share or publicly broadcast later to find out about my girlfriend and disrupt our relationship? Let me hide until the right time, "said Lucinta to dilate Lamabn Squid, Sunday (1/7/2018).

Luna admitted that his love affair with Dilan will go from the front This year Lucinta Luna hopes to remove her celibacy.

"Must be more affectionate with the boyfriend, already married, this year married.After this event, there is a celebration of my boyfriend, whom I'm calling Dilan, he's good and roamntis, no matter what's on him, "he said.

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