Dead execution of a non Thamrin bomber in Jakarta – VIVA


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VIVA – Police claimed to have received no instructions from the prosecutor on the execution of the death of Aman Abdurrahman, a Thamrin terrorist. "If the AGO asks the police to execute it, we will do it, the authority is in the Attorney General's office," said the head of the police's public relations division, Inspector General of Police Setyo Wasisto. , at the police headquarters, South Jakarta, Friday, June 29, 2018.

The two-star general also submitted, until now, the police do not know yet when the certainty of the Aman execution . However, he said that certainly the execution was not done in Jakarta

"We do not know yet (when the execution) .The execution is not , of course, not possible in Jakarta, "he said. Abdurrahman, Mayasari, previously said his side had immediately executed Aman Abdurrahman. However, the Attorney General's office is still waiting for a copy of the judges' decision

"We are waiting for the full verdict and report to the leaders." If the verdict is already legally binding, it can be executed immediately. " Aman, Asludin Hatjani said the family of Aman had asked him not to appeal. Because the family believes that death was determined by God.

"I am like a lawyer asked by Oussaz Oman not to appeal the family itself simply to convey that death is already determined by the above, Allah SWT," says Asludin. ! –


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