Deddy Corbuzier Call There Awards Arrangements Made By Artists Such As Vicky Prasetyo


TRIBUNWOW.COM – In his latest vlog, Deddy Corbuzier revealed that several artists were paid to make sets at a certain price.

"First of all, do you know that artists have a price for this parameter – you certainly do not know, do not you?" said Deddy Corbuzier, as he was released TribunWow of the cbad Youtubub Deddy CorbuzierThursday (29/11/2018).

Deddy Corbuzier also provides an badysis of the price of the artist's frame.

"For example, some artists really live with gossip, for example, an artist with the initials V-I-C-K-I, for example," he said.

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"There is price list the price is how many millions of dollars for the settings to be famous, "said Deddy Corbuzier.

Deddy said he had had information because his friends were working in the entertainment industry.

"How is it that I know? Because I have a lot of celebrity friends, these are not friends and some media are indeed close to me," said the father of & # 39; 39, a child.

Deddy Corbuzier shows the news about the KPI sanctions of his friend who was president of the central KPI, Yuliandre Dervish
Deddy Corbuzier gives news about the KPI sanctions of his friend who was chairman of the central KPI, Yuliandre Darwis (YouTube Deddy Corbuzier)

This bald presenter also revealed that someone had paid a gossip account to become famous.

"Let the artist, the gossip account come at a price, so if you want to be famous, give money to the Instagram gossip account, for example, you'll be gossiped in. It's amazing," said Deddy.

"Why not just be naked in the streets photographed by people, then become famous ?!" Deddy says with irritation.

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In this video diary, Deddy also said that the president of Central KPI had given sanctions in the form of a written warning to four TV channels broadcasting scenes of raids led by Vicky Prasetyo at Angel Lelga.

Deddy Corbuzier did not intend to ban Indonesians from watching non-educational shows, but he pointed out that watching these shows was only an entertainment.

"If you want to watch, just look for a laugh, but do not think these things really happened," said Deddy Corbuzier in his vlog.(*)

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