Democrat Doakan TGB Then Vice President Jokowi


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Rachlad Nashidik, Deputy Secretary General of the Democratic Party, represents his party in thanking Muhammad Zainul Majdi, aka Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB), who officially resigned today as Democratic cadres. .

Rachland calls his party believes that the figures of the TGB deserve a career at the national level

"The Party expresses its gratitude and appreciation for its role in the party, especially as chairman of the DPD PD NTB", has said Mr. Rachland. Monday (23/7).

"We wish him a current status as a cleric without a party, to give him the path to a better political career to be elected as one of the candidates for the vice presidency The news of the resignation of TGB was confirmed by the chief of public relations and the legal division of the leader of the Democratic Party, Ferdinand Hutahaean

"The morning was thus occupied by the TGB news and I confirmed that the resignation letter The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Democratic Honor Amir Syamsuddin, "Ferdinand said .

Ferdinand also declared resignation related to the current political situation. [19659002ThepartyhesaidrefusedtoobstructandaskedTGBtobefreeinfavorofJokowi

TGB raised controversy in early July when he expressed his support for Jokowi to lead two periods.

According to TGB at the time, his decision to support Jokowi was after consideration in relation to the benefit of the nation, people and common sense

"Of these three things, I think that he is just and appropriate to give President Jokowi period and finish what for four years has started, "said TGB during a visit to the editorial office CNN Indonesia Jakarta, Wednesday (4/7) . (wis)

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