Democratic Suggestions for Risma | Republika online


Risma was asked to submit a fraud report based on the data.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA – Democratic Party DPC Surabaya suggested to the mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini to immediately report to the Election Supervision Agency if found an indication of fraud in East Java elections. But the report must be factual.

"There is an indication of fraud in East Java 2018 elections must certainly be proven by facts and data on the ground," said Democratic Party vice president DPC Surabaya Junaedi to Surabaya, Saturday 30/6. will adopt the mayor of Risma if he follows election fraud by reporting to Bawaslu or Panwaslu instead of talking to the public without data. As the chairman of the democratic party of the parliamentary faction of Surabaya asked Risma to be more objective and respectful of the counting process, the two counts of indictment such as account fast and real. count as well as the manual recapitulation at the sub-district level that is still in progress.

Also, Risma Sebut East Java does not need Smart Sok Leader. Junaedi said that the victory of Cagub and Cawagub Jatim Khofifah-Emil in the East Java election in 2018 that brought the Democratic Party and other party coalitions is evidence that the residents of Surabaya and East Java see the figure of this couple better lead the future. "For that, I am grateful to the people of East Java, especially Surabaya gave the future Khofifah-Emil mandate to serve for five years as governor and vice-governor of East Java," he said. . He said that the Mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini is part of the municipal government that is part of the support of the East Java regional election in Surabaya

"Mrs. Risma should suport not add to the situation that The mayor of Surabaya, Mr. Tri Rismaharini, had already reported a fraud in the implementation of the elections of 2018 to the president of the PDIP, Megawati Sukarnoputri.Risma said that there was a certain number of cheats who lost the couple Gus IpuliPuti Soekarno However, Risma is reluctant to convey the form of cheating.

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