Merdeka.com – Democrats are increasingly optimistic about the 2019 presidential election, after seeing the results of new elections unfolding recently. Even the party of 5th RI President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is about to build a coalition to carry presidential and vice presidential candidates. "Yesterday we had a meeting on the election results, we are waiting for the actual results – political parties, but God willing, the Democratic Party will bring the candidates to the presidency and vice president," said the vice president of the democratic party Nurhayati Ali Assegaf in the city Malang Sunday (1/7). , all explorations are made until later, continued the formation of coalitions that carry the candidate pair. No matter what possibility could occur, until the deadline for the submission of pairs of candidates to KPU
"I think the possibilities will always be there, before August 4th to 10th all possibilities can still we will see. "
DPR Malang Malang Dapil this also said, the communication with the party is still liquid, not berkucut on a particular name. "I think it is still fluid, communicating with all political parties, but there is also the possibility of coalition with existing parties, but there is also the possibility of other processes, the possibility of A new axis or join the speech discussed so far. "He said.
Nurhayati also did not deny the unification speech between Jusuf Kalla and Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (JK-AHY). The speech continues to be discussed and communicated with other parties.
"It is also brewed, one of which is an alternative, not yet (a decision), we conduct an investigation, we look at how the investigation of this election," he concluded. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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