Democrats want duetkan JK-AHY, Ketum PPP appeal without success Pilpres 2019


Muhammad Romahurmuziy, General Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP), casually reacts to the Democratic Party's speech that will badociate the former Ketum Golkar Jusuf Kalla with President Kogasma Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) at the same time. 2019 Presidential Election "According to Romi the speech has no guarantee of success going up to victory in the presidential election of 2019.

" I can therefore say that the discourse developed by Democrats have no prospect for 2019, "said Romi after attending the bihalal halal 65th President of the Executive Council of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) told Aqil Siradj at PBNU's office, Jakarta ] Center, Tuesday (3/7) night.

He also recalled Democrats.Before talking about the name of the candidate who will be worn, should first ensure coalition partners.Thank you , apart from the Democrats, there are three artis who have not determined their political position, namely PAN, PKB and PAN. "Until now, I have not seen the signal that PKB, PAN and the Democrats would join a coalition, so I can say that the discourse developed by the Democrats has absolutely no chance of being able to join the Democrats. " (19659003) 2019 that will come, "said Romi.

In addition to the lack of a clear map of the Democratic coalition, there are other factors. not heard about JK's desire to become a presidential candidate.

"The second I've ever heard so many times since I met Mr. Jk wanted to become a presidential candidate ever before, "Romi

the Jusuf Kalla (JK) and Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) duo badociated with the issue of the 2019 presidential election, insisted," This image was broadcast by the elite of Democratic Party The appearance of the poster was attributed to JK's relationship to the residence of Democratic Party President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) .There was speculation that the rally was part of the

Imelda reported that the meeting of JK and SBY some time ago was a However, many badume that the meeting was an attempt to match JK with AHY as a presidential and vice-presidential candidate.

Imelda explained, the JK-AHY speech duo has long been echoed by democratic frameworks. At the end of June, there was a meeting of Democratic executives and a survey of key managers. The survey results show that if there are three coalitions, they choose to join the third or third axis.

"And most of them write the name JK-AHY and this is not the decision of the upper house of the party." He explained.

According to him, the fusion of JK-AHY is ideal. JK evaluated multitalent and managed to become SBY Vice President for five years. Both were able to overcome the conflict in 2003 2004, with the reconciliation of Aceh. While AHY possesses military and administrative knowledge and focuses on the creative economy to attract the attention of millennials or novices

"The survey results to date for the Vice President, Mas Agus are the highest, he said (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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