Denada Sale apartment for the treatment of children, Nikita Mirzani Help To Market

[ad_1] – Denada is overwhelmed with sadness after her daughter, Shakira Aurum, was found guilty of blood cancer (leukemia). Shakira has been undergoing medical treatment in Singapore for two months

. In order to obtain the best medical care abroad, the cost incurred by Denada is not insignificant. Denada must even sell a unit of luxury apartments in order to cope with the cost of treatment. This is known from the Instagram account Denada

By Instagram, Denada shows his apartment in the region of Mega Kuningan, south of Jakarta. The 39-year-old singer marketed the apartment quickly. As a colleague a profession, Nikita Mirzani admitted to compbadion with Denada. He also took the initiative to help the 39 year old singer.

  Nikita Mirzani ready to help Denada sell his apartment © Santoso Nikita Mirzani ready to help Denada sell his apartment © Santoso [19659005] "Niki offers in already made friends who like to invest Niki invest-apartment, just no answer, "added Nikita Mirzani in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Monday (30/7/2018). soon, Nikita Mirzani also planned to visit the children of Denada. As a mother, Nikita Mirzani understands that the support and prayer for Shakira's healing is very significant.

"One who joined Bang Billy (Billy Syahputra), Papi Uya (Uya Kuya), Mother Astrid, wife of Uya, Niki" Nikita Mirzani

Until now, Shakira Aurum has always care to improve its condition. The people closest to Denada have in turn visited his daughter in Singapore

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