Densus 88 Surgery An unexpected house of terrorists in Bandung


BANDUNG, – Special Datasemen (Densus) 88 Anti-terrorist ransacked a house in the Moh Toha area of ​​Bandung City after securing an alleged terrorist.

Unexpected Terrorism R (50) KM Zone 57 Jakarta, Cikampek, Thursday (19/7/2018) at noon

"Yeah, do a search," said Kapolrestabes Bandung, Kombes Pol Hendro Pandowo when confirmed.

Referring to the evidence, Hendro says that there is no evidence that leads to acts of terrorism. "No evidence leads to a terrorist network," he says.

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According to him, currently the alleged terrorist woman and brother are safe in Mapolsek Bojong Loa Kidul for interrogating Densus 88.

"Safe for interrogation," he explained.

But until now it is not known whether your wife is suspected of terrorism or not. Both are still a witness status.

Kapolsek Bojong Loa Kidul Kompol Yuni said that the search lasted only half an hour. (19659007) "The activity itself started from 17:00 hours to half an hour," Yuni told Mapolsek Bojongloa Kidul.

See also: Densus 88 Capture 7 people suspected of terrorists in Banyuasin

Regarding searches in private homes, suspected terrorists are protected. "It's his private home, he and his family live in this house," he explained.

Looking at, the alleged house of a striped terrorist looks deserted, but door door open brown

"There were a lot of police encumbered Magrib," said Agus , one of the residents. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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