DHF plague in Betetangnga Polman, one child is dead


TRIBUNPOLMAN.COM, POLMAN – Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is now endemic in Batetangnga village, Binuang district, Polewali Mandar district (Polman), Sulbar.

The head of control and eradication of communicable diseases, said Arfah, so far, six residents have contracted dengue in the village of Betetangnga.

One of them, namely Rafli Alamsyah (11 years old), DDI Al – Ihsan Kanang boarding school, has pbaded away. He was transported to Polman Hospital, but his life was powerless.

"But according to the review, he would have had guys, not just dengue," Arfah said Tuesday (27/11/2018).

Arfah said that since the first time, Betetangnga was often endemic or endemic for dengue fever. In each rainy season or fruit season, the extraordinary events (KLB) of DH cases are often in this area.

"It was pulverized, the community has always lost its service, it's just beginning," he said.

This contrasts with the status of neighboring villages which, just a few months ago, received an award as a village that implemented healthy and clean behavior at the district level.

The Polman Health Unit (Dinkes) sprayed to eliminate mosquitoes in the area.

But according to Arfah, spraying can only kill adult mosquitoes. While the larva can not be eradicated.

"Spraying can not solve the problem," he said.

Therefore, Arfah urged the public to regularly provide the environment. Clean mainly stagnant water in sewers or used goods.

Arfah said the health office would be in the center of Betetangnga village. If the community is indicated fever, will be taken as soon as possible to the health center.

In addition to Betetangnga, Arfah continued, residents of Manding village also contracted dengue fever. The DBD victim is none other than Lurah Manding's child.

The health office is also moving quickly to the area to spray dengue mosquitoes. (*)

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