Dian Rositaningrum allows Opick to use the master bedroom with a new bride


Bintang.com, Jakarta Opick and Dian Rositaningrum seem to be a little patient to hear their readings of divorce verdict. As we know, because the judges who dealt with their divorce were on leave, the reading of the verdict that took place yesterday, Tuesday (10/7), will take place on July 24.

However, who would have thought, the shocking fact? Ina Rachman, at the East Jakarta Religious Court (AP) yesterday, Tuesday (10/7). Mentioned, the singer of the song Tombo Ati was married again. In fact, asking permission to Dian to use the main room with his new wife.

"Dian this morning my phone," Mbak, the master Opick is married again and asked me permission, "House may not the same is the (new) woman? "Well it's alright yes, mas Opick is asking permission from mbak Dian and it's incredible in my opinion," Ina said after the trial.

"My client also extraordinary allow directly, "please" It's a good relationship and communication, ie they were first friends, then they were married, had children, then separated, yes that's okay, "adds Ina.

However, Ina does not know in detail who the new wife Opick . "I do not know we do not know I just discovered this morning, just called Dian. No nothing is called also there is a woman I do not know (19459009) (already at home) I just got married again, "Ina explains. (Nuzulur Rakhmah / )

Opick reveals the lessons learned from his divorce

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