Didier Deschamps Confess does not lose hope when Argentina leads 2-1


  Didier Deschamps confesses does not lose hope when Argentina leads 2-1


Didier Deschamps

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, MOSKOW – The French coach Didier Deschamps says that He did not feel He was scared when his team had a tough game against Argentina during the 16th World Cup day at the Kazan Arena Stadium (30/06/2018).

France won 4-3 and qualifies for the quarterfinals thanks to goals Antoine Griezmann (13th), Benjamin Pavard (57%), and dwigol Kylian Mbappe (64th). , 68 & # 39;).

The Tango team can only fight back thanks to the goals of Angel Di Maria (41 '), Gabriel Mercado (48') and Kun Aguero (90 + 3 & # 39) ;).

According to Didier Deschamps, he did not lose his hopes when Argentina turned 2-1 following the goal of Gabriel Mercado

"I'm afraid of nothing. Was still active, as long as the referee had not whistled the long whistling, everything was still "The former captain of the French national team did not dismiss the fact that the goal of Mercado could harm the plans of France but he has not lost hope "

" Argentina's second goal was to shake France and we could have scored faster . . However, I am not afraid. As long as you have the time, France can face any team, "he said.

France will face the winner of the match between Portugal and Uruguay in the quarterfinals. [19659011] (function (d, s, id)
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