Difficulty related to making 'Miss V' more elastic? That's the answer and the advice of the doctor


TRIBUNJAMBI.COM – The increasing age makes that the intimate female becomes flaccid and blackened. What if it happened to those who are still relatively young?

This question was delivered by a 31-year-old man in a live chat account, which was later re-uploaded Tuesday (3/7) on Facebook. Here's the question:

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I would like to ask about the bad of a girl with a suit and its brown-black color. what can be too often causes the cause. which can be a frequent relationship with mutual couples. or what could have been the law factor for having m p p, which is great. jd can jd because of the badl lip jdi bergelambir

Questions in the rubric of this device doctor was answered dr. Rio Aditya. According to dr. Rio, a sagging bad with a history of childbirth will not be able to regain normal elasticity without labioplasty surgery.

"Usually due to childbirth, frequency of intercourse and skin color variations". ? "You can perform Kegel exercises to help relax the pelvic floor muscles."

How to Exercise Kegel as follows:

1. Move the badl muscles as you hold the BAK

. 2 minutes

3. Release

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