Discover the feelings after the official divorce, still love Gak Sih Sama Ibn Jamil? Ade Maya answer here


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The judges of the Tigaraksa Religious Court, Tangerang, granted a divorce suit filed by Ade Maya against their husband, actor and presenter Ibn Jamil, Tuesday (3/7/2018),

Contacted by Telepoin connection Tuesday afternoon, Ade expressed his feelings after the separation of Ibn.

"He must be sad yeah Yes, there is no baseball there is gratitude not there cuman, it's already the decision together ya ya ya the decision together," says Ade Maya [19659002] Ade confessed that the name of the marriage, he did not want to divorce with Ibn.

However, because of the unresolved conflict, divorce became the only way to be better again

"Cuman I feel relieved, Heeem hehehehe (laugh) is already divorced, why is not it? Is not it still love or baseball, how, "he says.

Ade said that at this point he does not want to stress the feeling after the divorce with Ibn. He wants good relations to stay with Ibn before.

Read: Official Divorce, Ade Maya and Ibn Jamil Agreed Asuh Anak Barsama

"Well, we are actually rich friends temen ya.Now we are also anak besar" he said.

Ade continued, he and Ibn agreed to quell the emotions to raise their child who still needs the attention of both parents "

" In the future there are still some life to live, especially that there are children We do not think about our own ego Yes there is an ex-wife or ex-husband said Ade Maya

Read: Ade Maya admitted to refer with Ibn Jamil

Known, Ade Maya filed for divorce in the Tigaraksa religious court, Tangerang medio April 18, 2018, where the lawsuit was accepted by the court (19659002) Maya sued divorce action through the intermediary of his lawyer Agus Setiawan

Previously, Ibnu was prosecuted twice for the Maya divorce at the South Jakarta religious court, in mid-March 2017, with the results of the trial. a Maya trial aborted the judges.

Then, on August 4, 2017, Ibn Jamil sued his wife for divorce before the South Jakarta Religious Court. However, the divorce petition is quashed because Ibn and Ade reconcile again.

Where it says, there is a peace between Ibn and Ade, so Ibn pronounces his petition for divorce before the Court.

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