Disinvestment of Freeport, It's a person in the dark that Jokowi means


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – President Joko Widodo or Jokowi has requested the sale of 51% of PT Freeport shares to the Indonesian population. "The President stressed that we must pay attention to the alignments with the provincial governments of Papua and Mimika.Do not let anyone enter the darkness," said Papua Governor Lukas Enembe after a limited meeting at the office of the presidency in Jakarta on Thursday 29 November 2018.

Read: Jokowi calls for the end of the divestment process of Freeport shares before the end of 2018

Referring to the statement of Enembe, Papua Deputy Governor Klemen Tinal explained that the illegal people in question were conglomerates bearing the name of Papuans. "That's the goal, so that 10% of the Papuans are pure and appreciated.Do not wear the names of the Papuans, make this PT, know who is behind the conglomerate, including the mice.This means the President," said Tinal.

Tinal said the Freeport divestment process was over for a long time. However, this is only happening now because of the Papa Minta Saham affair that involved the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Setya Novanto.

"Now, we hope the second one is more correct." "Really, 51 percent is destined for the Indonesian people, it does not contain any attachments, A, B, C. Especially for us in Papua, if 10 percent is actually for the Papua, yes really for the Papuans, not said for the Papuans, it turns out that there is a PT Nebeng, " he said.

Today, Jokowi held a limited meeting on the acceleration of the divestment of PT Freeport Indonesia. It targets all stages of the divestment of PT Freeport shares, which must be completed before the end of this year.

Jokowi said that he had received a report on a number of steps in the disinvestment process of 51% of PT Freeport's shares. Between September 2018, three agreements were signed, namely the investment agreement, the agreement of sale and purchase and the subscription agreement.

According to Jokowi, the process of selling 51% of PT Freeport's shares is to be completed soon. Because the mines of Papua are strategic natural resources. "We will use it as much as possible to improve the well-being and prosperity of the people, especially the Papuan people," said Jokowi.

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