DKI Approach Accept SPDP case Sohibul Faith – VIVA


VIVA – The High Prosecutor of Jakarta admitted to having received an investigation notice, or SPDP, regarding the allegations of defamation with the report of the chairman of the prosperous Justice Party, Sohibul Iman.

suspect, even though the case has pbaded the stage of the investigation. (19659003) "The Jakarta lawyer received the SPDP on behalf of Muhammad Sohibul Iman, it is still reported, the status is still reported," said Nirwan, Friday, July 20, 2018. [19659004] After the accepting the SPDP, Kejati will immediately appoint a research attorney to monitor the progress of cases that entered the investigation phase. However, he can not yet predict how many prosecutors will be appointed. "Yes, again (the appointment of the search attorney) is the authority of the leadership here." The authority of the leadership to determine who the Jakarta prosecutor Kejati researchers will immediately appoint a search attorney who will managing the progress of the case on behalf of Muhammad Sohibul Faith, he said,

Nirwan said that there are usually two named research attorneys. "In general, there are at least two, but we still see the light weight of this case, because the prosecutor of the investigator will also be tried in Kejari, usually two or three, "he said.

Therefore, now he will continue to wait for the investigation of this case into the police.Later the prosecutor will also examine the case file and whether the alleged criminal defamation case can immediately enter the court.

"We are waiting always this we see the progress of the investigator In this sense, we are waiting for the delegated file of the investigator Polda Metro Jaya to the research attorney at Kejati DKI Jakarta, after the record will be seen its formal, material and formal provisions, that it be qualified to be brought to court or not, "he said. (asp)

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