Do Kiki Challenge with Becak, Aura of Love Make Naysilla Mirdad Ngakak


Aura Kasih animates the trend of In My Feeling Challenge. However, former lover Glenn Fredly actually shows a different action.

If most of the artists get out of the car, Aura Kasih wears a black T-shirt with trousers jeans comes down from a rickshaw and swings instantly following the movement of the car. a challenge also called Kiki Challenge.

video posted online Aura Kasih on Instagramnya, Friday (27/7). In his aura, Aura Kasih marked the location in Tegal, Central Java.

  Aura Kasih do Kiki Challenge. (Instagram)

Accompanying his post, the singer of "Let's Love" would claim to want to show different things from other celebrities. However, Aura Kasih feels failed.

"FAILED !!!! Let's mainstream! We support local transport! Wait for the real video yes (it's just a teaser though it fails) #efekbangunkepubeka #hidupbecak #inmyfeelingschallenge , " wrote Aura Kasih in her description of the video

 Aura Kasih do Kiki Challenge. (Instagram)

Despite his failure, Aura Kasih is able to entertain his fans. Many of them, claiming to laugh at the action of Aura Kasih. Not only fans, the artist Naysilla Mirdad also laughed at the behavior Aura Kasih

"Nahabaha is not really happy," Naysilla Mirdad comments on the download.

(dika / bin)

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