Do not get stung by thin injection, lethal fatal infection


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – body thin and slim is the dream of many women. A survey in the United States found that 91% of women did not feel satisfied with their weight.

Meanwhile, Google users in Indonesia are twice as likely to search for information with the keyword "thin tips" compared to "white tips" over the past year. The weight that is not ideal often makes women confident.

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Different ways are used to get a slender figure, including dangerous treatments such as thin shots done by yourself. At the present time, thin injection fluids can be found easily on various e-commerce sites. This liquid, the guarantee of which is not guaranteed, is negotiated between 150,000 IDR and 500,000 IDR.

According to skin and bad specialists at the ZAP clinic, Dr. Dara Ayuningtyas, a thin injection can be fatal if done without the supervision of medical staff. He added that doctors had to give thin injections because the subcutaneous tissue to be injected contained a lot of blood vessels. If the target of the injection is incorrect, the effect is a bruise and pain.

"In the long run, blood vessels can break down and disrupt surrounding tissues.At the most extreme, those who are obsessed with thin bodies may suffer from anorexia," Dara said.

Injection illustration.

Anorexia is a eating disorder characterized by a decrease in body weight due to an excessive fear of gaining weight. This disease has just killed a teenager from Cambridge, England, named Averil Hart, who died in December 2017.

He said that Mesolipo treatment was a medically safe method of weight loss. In this method, the doctor will inject a liquid BPOM certified medicine to destroy excess fat tissue in the upper arm, stomach or upper thigh.

"ZAP Mesolipo must be safe because the liquid used has been certified by BPOM and is in line with international standards, and the treatment is also managed by qualified doctors," said Dr. Dara.

He also added that the important thing when undergoing a thin injection was to make sure that the used needle was sterile so as not to cause infection or tissue necrosis.

To obtain significant results, Mesolipo is recommended for one month or four injections. If you still want the maximum results, the treatment can be done in its entirety for three months. In one treatment, the circumference of the zone can decrease between 1 and 4 centimeters. The liquid fat destroyed will be released by urine or sweat.

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He explained that there were a number of procedures in the treatment of ZAP Mesolipo.
-Session consulting patients with doctors to see any contraindications. Those who have HIV or infectious hepatitis have not been able to do this treatment.
-The patients will be measured for blood pressure.
-Doctor checks whether the area to be treated is free of irritation or lumps.
-Measurement of the round of arms, stomach or thigh that will serve as a reference to determine the effectiveness of treatment.
-The doctors mark the zones and the points to be injected.
-Clean the area to be treated with alcohol.
– Make the injection with small needles at several target points.

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