Do not leave because the choice of president is not so mutual


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminds the public to keep the harmony, unity and unity of the nation after the simultaneous regional elections of June 27, 2018.

Jokowi said: "Do not let the citizens" Do not keep the choice of the regents, representatives of the city, governors, until the president, we do not greet each other in the village " , said Jokowi in the presidential election of 2019.

During the night of Saturday (14/7).

According to Jokowi, the social costs caused by the split are too great.

different, it's good, but stay in harmony and brothers Do not be easily provoked and slander others, always think of positive and not necessarily negative prejudices, "said Jokowi .002] In this political year , although different tribes, languages ​​and religions, says Jokowi, harmony among citizens must remain good,

"I see people in the pilkada mature and smarter in the choice of their leaders," said Jokowi

Jokowi said that Indonesia is a large country that is often forgotten, and the largest Muslim population in the world to date.Indonesia has 262 million people with 17,000 islands and 714 different tribes.

"This is a gift from God Almighty We are different, but with Pancasila we can keep the unity of the united nation," he said.

Khataman's Recitation Quran and Haul to An Najah Gondang Sragen Ponp are badisted by thousands of Muslims. The event begins with the recitation of the khataman by the santri.

Chief Ponpes An Najah Gondang Sragen, KH Minanul Aziz Syathori feel proud of the arrival of Jokowi in this cottage. He said that the arrival of Jokowi has made the students and Sragen community more motivated.

An Najah Ponpes was founded in 1958 by KH Ahmad Djisam Abdul Mannan and then opened a high school, vocational school and madrasah aliyah. The number of santri is now 650 children but the one that can be housed in dormitories is only about 20%.

"Ponpes An Najah is the main education of memorizing the Koran and entrepreneurship". "Like many birds do not have cages," says Minanul.

Upon hearing Minanul's remarks, Jokowi said that he would lower the team to check the land that is planned for school buildings

"I immediately sent a team to check these ponpes. " says Jokowi


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