Do you trust the governor or the menpora?


BOLASPORT.COM – PSSI General President Edy Rahmayadi opened the debate on the statement by the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora), Imam Nahrawi, who was awaiting responsibility for the decline of the achievements of the national team Indonesian at the AF Cup 2018.

Earlier, Imam Nahrawi, a member of the Menpora, had stated that the PSSI was to make an official statement to the public regarding the failure of the Indonesian national team at the AFF Cup. 2018.

"I'm waiting for the official statement from PSSI and the president general, if PSSI and his Ketum did not respond quickly to the wishes of the public, we will still support the players in difficulty," he said. declared.

In response, Edy Rahmayadi published an unusual comment at the request of the reporters.

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Edy Rahmayadi also asked reporters to trust him as governor and not to Imam Nahrawi, Minister of Youth and Sports.

"Menpora? What did the Menpora say? Do you trust the Governor or Menpora more?" Edy said, quoted by from the Medan court.

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Then the reporters smiled and replied, "Both, sir."

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