Do you want to ride, Sony ready to introduce Xperia XZ3 with chip Snapdragon 855


<img width = "696" height = "389" clbad = "entry-thumb td-modal-image" src = " Xperia-XZ3-696×389.jpg "srcset ="×389.jpg 696w, content / uploads / 2018/07 / Sony-Xperia-XZ3-300×168.jpg 300w,×430.jpg 768w, https: //×573.jpg 1024w, -1068×597.jpg 1068w,×420.jpg 751w, /07/Sony-Xperia-XZ3.jpg 1366w "sizes =" (max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px "alt =" Sony Xperia XZ3
Copyright © Androidleo – In recent weeks, rumors have emerged that Sony's businesses are on the verge of limiting their activities, and smartphone closures in some countries More and more this statement was rejected with the emergence of the latest device leak on the Geekbench website.

In the Geekbench reference document, the latest device to be deciphered by Sony is listed under the code name H8526.Si we (19459004) Ready to Order, C is the price of Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium currently

19659003] This is because indeed for Sony Xperia XZ2 which was officially launched long enough but only present on the market yesterday and also use the code H8 1XX and H83XX on the Geekbench page. In this way, it could be if the code name is Xperia XZ3. As for the H85XX, it will probably come out under the name Xperia XZ3 Pro or Xperia XZ3 Premium

Copyright © Somaiho

The Geekbench reference institute also reveals something amazing, namely the score and the specifications to bring. In a single basic test, this device gained a value of 3,033 points, while at the time of the multi-threaded test, the score reached was 10,992 points. It is clear that the scores are 30% bigger than the score obtained by the best Smartphone that comes with the chip Qualcomm Snapdragon 845.

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By that it is clear that Sony Xperia XZ3 will come with a better chip that is Snapdragon 855, and on the disclosed documents may be known that the chip will be supported with the internal capacity of 8 GB of RAM. If true, then this Smartphone will be the best Android device that will be present sooner than other sellers.

In fact, there are rumors that Sony Xperia XZ3 will be the first device that brings a 5G network connection. This is also true, because the Snapdragon 855 chip was manufactured with 7nm manufacturing and already has 5G connectivity support. From the latest information obtained, currently TSMC has also started mbad production of Snapdragon 855.

So, we are just waiting if Sony Xperia XZ3 this series will be one of the latest Smartphone devices that will be introduced in the event IFA 2018 to be held from 31 August to 5 September 2018 in Belin, Germany or not

also reads: Launch of the specification Xperia XZ3 Premium

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