Doctor: Nining no history of mental illness


Nining was diagnosed with severe depression.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SUKABUMI – Nining (53 years) resident of Kadudampit sub-district, Sukabumi District certainly has no history of mental disorders. This statement was pronounced by a medical specialist RSUD R Syamsudin SH Sukabumi, Wednesday (4/6).

"No history of mental disorders," said RSUD R Syamsudin specialist SH Sukabumi Tommy Hermansyah to reporters Wednesday (4/6) The family gives only information Nining was drowned and lost during a year and a half

Tommy explained that anyone under great pressure must have mild, moderate and severe mental illness. a person who suffers from depression, Tommy continued, at least within two weeks of the pressure, although in fact within three days also experience the symptoms.

According to Tommy, Nining is suspected of having been very heavy pressure during this time. people and food so that they are depressed when they are gone.

Currently, says Tommy, Nining gives only one answer and does not want to bica ra, in addition to burst into tears and slowly mumbling her mouth.

Tommy said, from the Nining examination results suffered from severe depression with psychotic features or psychosis. The reason there are symptoms that Nining can not talk about flashes and stays silent. Even Nining tends to feel the fear and more silence and sometimes tears

Of these symptoms, said Tommy, Nining found a severe depression. In addition, Nining sometimes his mouth is like talking to himself or Kamaming komat who has been diagnosed as a psychotic trait.

So, Tommy said, Nining is now diverted from the hospital to mental illness in Kemuning room RSUD R Syamsudin SH. The team of doctors is observing and providing antidepressants and antipsychotics. Nining is expected to recover quickly.

Also, Nining is suspected of not drowning.

The news of Nining's discovery made a scene. The reason why Nining was missing after a drowning on the south coast. But 18 months later, Nining was found safe with the same clothes when he was gone.

Officer of the Tourist Relief Agency The district of Tirabatha (Balawista) Palabuhanratu Sukabumi made his voice heard today. They badessed at the time of the incident, there were no visitors who drowned based on the results of the field verification.

"The possibility of disappearing or separated from the entourage," said the chief of operations. Saepuloh Tuesday (3/7).

Asep admitted that "at the time the incident was on the scene and checked the results, Asep said, no visitors drowned despite the missing reports, also reinforced by the reports. witnesses of the families who were called. check to see if the victim sank or disappeared

However, Asep continued, the SAR joint officers continued to search Nining, but up to a week, Nining was not found.



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