Does Gigi Bolong cause heart pain, myth or fact? – VIVA


VIVA – Many circulating myths relate to the dangers of cavities or perforated teeth that can affect other organs. Caries are said to be at risk for heart disease.

Apparently, this can be a myth or a fact. A tooth that is hollow, if it is still just around hard teeth, it can not trigger heart disease.

"If the hole is still in the hard tissue, the term is still a" helmet ", it will not cause heart disease because the germs are still stuck around the teeth, so it's a myth," said the dental specialist, drg. Bambang Nursasongko SpKG (K), at the Sasha Halal Toothpaste Ceremony, in Thamrin Region, Jakarta, on Tuesday, November 27, 2018.

Unlike the case where the hole of the tooth is very deep to reach the vulva or the nerve part of the tooth. This type of tooth hole can trigger heart disease. Because germs can enter the bloodstream through the body.

"The nerves of the teeth are dying and the germs can travel everywhere, including the heart, in fact, it can really cause heart disease if the situation is like that," he said.

In addition, another danger to the hollow vulva causes nerve damage to the teeth. In other words, even if new teeth can be regenerated, the surrounding nerves can no longer function.

"The hole in the vulva does not look like a wound on the skin.If it is hollow, the vulva can not close itself.The solution must be removed then cleaned and replaced with new teeth even if the nerves can not function anymore. "

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