Dovizioso Answer Sindiran Rossi –


Andrea Dovizioso defended saying that Valentino Rossi's position when he was involved in the incident at Assen Circuit, the Netherlands, was in an unfavorable position.

"If I am in his situation, I can understand because he's in a pretty strong position, but I'm not doing anything that has crossed the line," said Dovozioso, as reported by motorsport .com Tuesday (3/7/2018).

According to the rider Ducati team, The Doctor made the wrong decision. As a result, he missed the chance to get on the podium in third position

Read also: Tight Competition, Rossi called Dovizioso? Unintelligent?

"I think it was a bad decision and bad conditions at the end of the race" Dovizoso.

Braking bad: Rossi, incident Dovizioso 'not so smart & # 39;

However, the Italian driver still wants to apologize to Rossi for what happened at the 2018 Dutch GP.

"At that time," I wanted to go out first in the corner, but he was outside and I tried to control the braking, "he said.

The second incident occurred at the first turn of the last lap, both of which widened, but Dovizioso benefited as he was still on the track while Rossi widened the track.

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