Dovizioso Lots of Impressions Racing Style Pedrosa


– The Spanish Dani Pedrosa announced his retirement from the MotoGP event at the end of the 2018 season. This decision was made after Pedrosa failed to obtain an extension of contract with the Repsol Honda team.

Former teammate Pedrosa, Andrea Dovizioso flattered the Honda rider as a model in the race

"For the driving style, I learned a lot at Pedrosa, the ability to accelerate is an example, because of my weakness, I always try to try it, "said Dovizioso. The German GP press conference was quoted as saying on Friday (13/7/2018).

Dovi also remembers the time of Pedrosa in the clbad 125 cc and 250 cc. He thinks that the Spaniard always has the best way to train and prepare for the race.

"I think it's great for me with Pedrosa, I try to learn and try to follow my way of learning and to improve my riding style »Dovi

Read also: Marquez critic for Dani Pedrosa

Dovi also supports Pedrosa's decision to retire Dovi said that everyone would one day decide to leave the race. 19659002] "And if Pedrosa thinks that the decision is good, and he is happy with the decision, I am also pleased with what he did." Dovi and Pedrosa have recorded several times involved in the incident The last time the Spanish Grand Prix at Jerez where Pedroza, Dovi and Lorenzo involved collision carom.

Pedrosa raced with Honda for 13 years, since he ran 125 cc to the highest clbad of MotoGP, his greatest accomplishment is to become the champion of two clbades in 2007, 2010 and 2012. [19659010] <! – ->
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