– During the last season, Ducati rider Andrea Dovizioso is indeed the toughest rival of the Repsol Honda team, Marc Marquez. The signs of the two will come back in competition to emerge at the beginning of the 2018 season, precisely during the first series at the Losail Circuit, Qatar
Dovi and Marquez then participated in a fierce duel to fight in first place. But at the end of the race Dovi was the winner.
But after the half-season race, Dovi's performance was far from expectations. He is only ranked fourth with a collection of 88 points, or 77 points behind a solid Marquez at the top.
On the contrary, the Movistar Yamaha duo Valentino Rossi and Maverick Vinales began to show the resurrection. In the German series, both end in positions two and three. Rossi and Vinales now occupy the same place in the ranking list
Two Movistar Yamaha drivers, Maverick Vinales and Valentino Rossi embrace after the end of the Italian qualifying session of MotoGP 2018 on Saturday (06 / 02/2018).
"/> twitter.com/YamahaMotoGP Two Movistar Yamaha riders, Maverick Vinales and Valentino Rossi clashing against each other after the 2018 MotoGP qualifying session ended Saturday (06/02 / 2018).
Dovi's points shared 31 points behind Rossi and 21 points behind Vinales. Realistically, Dovi also claimed to be more worried about the performance of the Yamaha duo than Marquez.
"Right now I am more worried about my distance with Yamaha, not with Marc," said Dovi, quoted by Tuttomotoriweb 26/7/2018).
In the last series race in Germany, Dovi was only able to finish seventh. In the remaining half of the season this year, Dovi says he will exercise all his abilities to fight with Rossi and Vinales.
Read also: Compete Strictly, Rossi is called Dovizioso? Unintelligent?
"If you do not do it In good shape, you will not be able to fight with Rossi, Vinales and the other drivers," said the Italian driver.
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