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TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Once the candidates for the CPNS 2018 program are declared to have pbaded the administrative step, the next step is the Selection of Basic Skills (SKD).

If, at the administrative selection stage, the participant is declared qualified, he / she may take the SKD test scheduled for 26 October 2018-17 November 2018.

The State Public Service Agency (BKN) has informed that 2018 CSNS candidates who have pbaded the SKD test have joined millions of people from different regions.

"State Administration Selection State Update SSCN 2018 *

Qualified: 2,673,733
Does not meet the requirements: 574.233
Not yet verified: 215.393
In process of verification: 164,971

The agency has announced: 386
The agency has not announced: 172, "wrote BKN on its Twitter and Facebook pages, quoted by, Tuesday (23/10/2018).

In addition, this SKD test selection will be performed on the basis of the Computer Assisted Test System (CAT).

Launched from Tribunstyle, CAT is a selection method using computer aids to obtain a minimum level of basic skills for CPNS candidates.

The problems encountered in the CAT system tests are multiple choice.


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