Dozens of doctors demonstrated at Pekanbaru Kejari allegations of corruption related to medical devices 3 colleagues


PEKANBARU, Dozens of doctors from Arifin Ahmad Hospital in Riau province staged a protest in front of the Pekanbaru District Prosecutor's Office (Kejari) on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman on Tuesday 11/27/2018.

The protest follows three fellow doctors, Drs Masrial, Kuswan Ambar Pamungkas and Wili Yulifar, arrested by Riau's lawyer on Monday (26/11/2018), for alleged cases of medical device corruption (medical devices ).

Dozens of these doctors who are demonstrating are members of the Riau Region Coordinator for the Indonesian Surgeons Association (IKABI) and the Indonesian Dentists Association (PDGI) of Riau.

They came to the office of Pekanbaru Kejari, wearing their official clothes. The doctor's acts disrupted the surgical services of the Arifin Ahmad regional hospital and also threatened to strike.

Read the previous news: Resistant medical appliances of the hospital of the accused of corruption Kejari 5, 3 are doctors

In the official statement of the Regional Office of IKABI Riau received by the reporters, two members of Dr. IKABI, Dr. Kuswan Ambar Pamungkas and Dr. Wili Yulifar were victims in this case.

He added that the system had plunged them into both camps, accusing them of corruption. While those who do politics are not affected by the law.

Then, later, this detention hurt and endangered his party as a surgeon. IKABI must therefore delay the surgical services in Riau, which is a form of solidarity at the request of all its members.

In addition, members of IKABI Korwil Riau continue to provide emergency services and to visit patients who have been treated.

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Then ask the relevant agencies, namely Kejari Pekanbaru, not to stop his colleague. Because they are in prison, they can still serve the community.

At the same time, Dr. Chairul Sahri, Secretary of Riau's PDGI in his statement to reporters, asked that his colleague Drg Masrial not be detained.

"We are asking that detention be not carried out in order to prevent the accumulation of a list of queues of different actions from the mouth to the hospital. Will not go away and will not eliminate the evidence, "said Chairul.

According to him, Drg Masrial's staff as an oral surgeon is still indispensable.

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"Dental surgeons in Riau province are still limited and our partners still need the community," said Chairul.

In addition, Kajari Pekanbaru Suripto Irianto said that his party had met several representatives of doctors who took measures in favor of solidarity.

"Yes, representatives have met us, we are open, they say they want to go on strike," Suripto told reporters.

He said that, regarding the detention of three doctors in cases of alleged corruption, this was explained to the protesters.

"I explained earlier that this case concerned the case of the police of Pekanbaru, so we only received the delegation of the second stage of the police," said Suripto.

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Medical Devices Corruption

Kejari Pekanbaru has already arrested five people accused of corruption in medical devices.

Three of them are surgeons at the Arifin Ahmad regional hospital in Riau province, namely Dr. Masrial, Dr. Kuswan Ambar Pamungkas and Dr. Wili Yulifar. Then two entrepreneurs, Muhklis and Yuni Efriati.

"In his case, these three doctors took advantage of the provision of special medical equipment at Arifin Ahmad Regional Hospital of Riau Province in 2012 and 2013, in the form of discounts using medical documents. PMR's CV purchase, "said Pekanbaru's Kejari Pidus's director, Sri Odit Megonondo, on Monday on

He added that, in this corruption case, the five defendants had cost the country 420 million rupees, based on the count of the representative of Riau, BPKP.

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Meanwhile, the defendant Yuni Efriati returned the money to the country, which amounted to 60 million rupees.

"The five defendants were held in custody for 20 days because of their status, the accused was due to this phase II submission.The five defendants have not yet been arrested by the Pekanbaru police. ", explained Odit.

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