Dozens of ecosystems disrupting Arapaima fish


Amir Amirudin, environmental activist, explains, the Arapaima fish comes from the Amazon River in America. The size is 150 to 200 centimeters weighing 23-25 ​​kilograms. "Longer than normal people," he said yesterday.

Apparently, the fish was deliberately removed by the owner. The possibility of the owner was surprised to see his fish grow very quickly. Then, just remove the fish to the river. "It's very dangerous," said Amir

According to reports Ecological Observation and Conservation of Wetlands (Ecoton), 34 fish were released into the Brantas River. Until yesterday only six tails were found. Residents found the monster fish in two places, namely the flow of the Brantas Mlirip River and Jombang.

"It is certainly very disturbing because it can damage the balance of the river ecosystem," he said.

Andreas Agus Kristanto Nugroho, researcher at Ecoton, adds that Arapaima is a predatory fish that can pbad other fish around it. In addition, it can spread diseases that may not be known in Indonesian fisheries.

Therefore, he continues to coordinate with the East Java village and fisheries office, to take the contents of the fish hull for laboratory testing. He suspects that this fish is a breeder of pets or an amateur who is loose in the river. (gun / rek)

(sb / gun / rek / JPR)

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