DPR sees the image of KPU banned Corruptor Nyaleg


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Bambang Soesatyo aka Bamsoet considers that the General Election Commission has devised the policy of banning the ex-convict of corruption as a legislative candidate to Pileg in 2019.

him, the prohibition of ex-prisoners is an excessive and contradictory policy to the law

"It is no longer necessary that we build images, obey the rules," said Bamsoet in Parliament, Jakarta , Monday (2/7).

Bamsoet stated that ex-prisoners had the right to vote and be elected in elections as long as he was fully sentenced.

In the nomination process, said Bamsoet, the fate of former corruption inmates is determined by the community. Bamwich adds that if this is prohibited, the KPU does not provide political education in accordance with the law to the community.

"If you keep pushing yourself, KPU still thinks people are not smart," he said.

As far as politics is concerned, Bambang claims the House of Representatives to vote with the government, and Bawaslu rejects the KPU's policy of banning former prisoners of corruption from becoming legislative candidates.

On the other hand, Wakorbid Pratama DPP Golkar transmits Golkar to give former prisoners the opportunity to become candidates. . However, he claims that Golkar gives priority to executives who have never been criminally prosecuted.

"The Party certainly has its own strategy and its own judgment, without this rule, any party consideration is to prioritize good cadres"

Bamsoet, it is not possible precisely in this area that the Ex-prison actually becomes a public figure.

Previously, the Commission set out prohibition rules for former corrupt inmates as legislative candidates.

The rules are contained in the KPU (PKPU) Regulation No. 20 of 2018 on the appointment of members of the DPRD, the provincial DPRD and the DPRD of Regency / City. This rule was adopted on Saturday 30/6 and signed by KPU President Arief Budiman.

Article 7, paragraph 1, g and h states that potential members of DPR, DPRD Provincial and DPRD Regency / City are Indonesian citizens. never like a convict on the basis of a court decision that got a permanent legal force threatened with a term of imprisonment of 5 years or more on the basis of a judicial decision having permanent force of law; (19659002) However, the PKPU allows the former detainee to stand for election, but on condition of publicly announcing the status of his criminalization


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