DPR strives to resolve to PKEMP Polemik


JAKARTA, (PR) .- Controversy over whether a former corrupt prisoner becomes a legislative candidate continues to roll. This controversy comes after the KPU determined PKPU No. 20 of 2018 on the appointment of members of the People's Legislative Assembly, the Provincial House of Representatives and the DPRD of Regency / City. PKPU stipulated by the chairman of KPU Arief Budiman on Saturday, June 30, 2018, he mentions, the Commission to ban former corruption, drug dealer, and badual crimes against children become potential members of the legislature.

However, the House of Representatives, the Watchdog Election and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights consider that the ban is contrary to Law No. 7 of 2017 on the General elections that states that an ex-convict has served a sentence of five years or more can run as long as the public concerned has announced its prisoner status to the public. The KPU insists on the settlement despite a lot of rejection. The KPU will also continue to enforce the regulation even though it has not been promulgated by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives, Ahmad Riza Patria said that his party was currently seeking a solution to settle disputes. According to him, the substance of his side is not a problem if the bribers become or not participants in the elections, but rather because PKPU is against the existing law. He also hopes that soon there will be an outcome in a mutual agreement.

"If we continue to insist on our views as this will be a problem, we have asked House leaders to take action with the government to address this problem," Riza told Parliament Monday, July 2 . 2018.

According to Riza, his side had delivered several options to the KPU. One of them, he said, was through the appeal to political parties so as not to ask former corruptors to become legislative candidates. The KPU can also announce to the community any candidate who has already been found guilty of corruption. However, in the meantime, Riza has urged parties opposed to the PKPU to conduct a major trial in the Supreme Court.

"In addition to the law, the decision of the Constitutional Court allows the former bribers to stand for election in 2019. It has become the decision of the Constitutional Court for us, so we follow what the Constitutional Court decides, so the RDP and the government have finished. "


Meanwhile, KPU chairman Arief Budiman said that the PKPU without the signature of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights. He claimed that the PKPU's provision that prohibits ex-corruption from becoming a legislative candidate does not contradict the Election Law.

"It is not against the law that it does not sign, it is the PKPU that promulgates the KPU Kemenkumham, in the country or state news sheets. , "said Arief.

Chamber President Bambang Soesatyo ideally said that the ex-prisoner of corruption is prohibited from following parliamentary elections. However, he said, the relevant regulations should always refer to the law. "I do not know if this will cause further chaos, I think that as an official in the country the reference is the law, eggak can take action separately," said Bambang

Bambang also ruled the KPU excessive because it firmly established the rule in PKPU. He said that he had been caught and if the former corrupt had to be returned to the party and to society. "It's no longer necessary that we build the image, just obey the rules, and leave the party and society," he said. ***

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