DRAGON, Robot "Drone Dragon" the maneuver of Jago


Researchers at the JSK Lab of the University of Tokyo developed a small robot drone capable of maneuvering through small holes. It is interesting to note that this dragon has the shape of a dragon

The robot technology called Dragon, abbreviation of multi-arm robot incorporated two rotors with multi-deGree-of-aerial transformation capability freedom

Dragon is composed of four connected thrusters. formed flying robot looks like a dragon. The robot was created by a team of six male researchers

After The Verge Friday (29/6/2018), the six researchers of JSK Lab are Moju Zhao, Tomoki Anzai, Fan Shi, Chen Xiangyu, Kei Okada, and Masayuki Inaba

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This amazing technology has been exhibited on the ICRA 2018 to Brisbane, Australia, last month. The robot is supposed to be used in the house.

Dragon can fly through small holes or windows. Unfortunately, the power of the battery is only strong last three minutes. The Intel Euclid depth camera

quad-core processor, built-in memory, and internal memory.

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In addition to being converted into different forms, Dragon can also be fashioned into flying hands . When flying, the Dragon is like two fingers moving goods.

UAV technology is now increasingly advanced and widely used for various purposes. As in Florida, the state of the United States (US), plans to repel mosquitoes using drones or drone .

The device is specially designed, weighs 1,500 pounds or 680 kilograms of equivalent. Special drones can operate at night. In fact, drones can also fly low to reach mosquito nests

See also: The Florida Authority will use drones to exterminate mosquitoes

drone to eradicate mosquitoes is judged accurately. Because, all this time, they use helicopters and small planes. However, the use of these two tools is not optimal because it is only to monitor the area. ] SN / HBS]

Source: The Verge

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