Dream of uncle before Nining the Lost 1.5 years old found on the seashore


SUKABUMI, KOMPAS.com – After being lost in the waters of Sukabumi, West Java for 18 months, Nining Sunarsih (52) was finally rediscovered in a state of survival.

Cibunar villagers RT 5/2 Village Gede Pangrango, sub-district of Kadudampit, was found by his family at Citepus Beach, Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi district, Sunday (1/7/2018).

Nining's younger brother, Elah (35), said his brother was a posyandu. his village was found lying on the ground facing the land. The whole body is still exposed to the seawater. "In the beginning, my uncle (Jejen) repeatedly dreamed that Nining Tea wanted to go home and be picked up where he was drowning," says Elah (35) ) at Nining in Kampung Cibunar, 7/2018)

Read also: Lost 1.5 Years in the Sukabumi Sea, Nining Found Congratulations to the Seaside

Finally the family agreed to Pick up at Citepus Beach, Palabuhanratu. Departure from Kadudampit on Saturday (30/6/2018) night and arrival around 23:30

"We spread and finally found Nining Tea lying on the beach, his position back to the beach at 00:00", did -he says. Elah adds, "When we find them, the same clothes are worn when the sea water is lost and wet, the sandals are also sandy"

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Once found directly brought home, he continued, until 16:00. Upon returning home, Teh Nining can not speak, her head is hot, her feet are cold, "he said.

Sukabumi-Basarnas SAR Coordinator Aulia Sholihanto confirmed that January 8, 2017 Nine Sunarsih, a resident of Kadudampit sub-district

reports that wells are lacking at Citepus Sea. "The joint SAR team was doing research when the sea conditions were hostile, and the Nining victim was the last "Aulia explained, during the search on the seventh day of January 14, 2017, Cisolok police found human remains that are not complete.The discovery was confirmed to the family

" The family refused because that she did not fit the features, as the nails of her hands are different and there is no birthmark on the abdomen. "Sukabumi District, Okih Pajri, added that the police of Sukabumi police carried out tests DNA on bodies found with child victims of Nining

"The information I received from the Sukabumi Police Station was negative.

Currently, Nining is still under medical treatment at RSUD Syamsudin Sukabumi.Nining again brought to the hospital by the Sukabumi City Police.The day before, Sunday (1/7/2018) Nining was taken to the IGD RSUD Syamsudin.

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