Dried ferry ships in Selayar bring 30 billion rupees


MAKASSAR, KOMPAS.com – The ferry before KM Lestari sank in the waters of Selayar, South Sulawesi, Tuesday (3/7/2018), with a value of 30 billion Rp. [19659002] Sulselbar Irmayanti Sultan confirmed that the money belongs to Bank Sulselbar. The money was about to be taken to the Sulselbar Bank branch in Selayar, Regency

"It is true, there are 30 billion rupees sent to our Selayar branch. 39; money is used to pay the salary of 13 government officials of the district of Selayar, "he said in a press release Tuesday afternoon.

Also read: Ferry Escaping to Selayar

Irmayanti admitted, he has not received any other related news so far at the shed. However, the bank received a report from the Selayar branch that the vessel carrying 30 billion Rp was drowned.

"We could not hear the agent who brought the money because the sinking of the ship has no signal. We can only hear branches in Selayar. But according to the information that he has obtained, the ship is not completely submerged, "he adds

Read also: The wrecked ferry from Selayar brings 139 pbadengers [19659003] KM Lestari Maju serving the crossing to Bira Harbor, Bulukumba District at Pamatata Harbor, Regency of Selayar, allegedly drowned in front of Ujung Pa 'badilang at the time of berthing.

This ferry sank at about 14:30 due to a leak in the hull of the vessel

ship carrying 139 pbadengers, 14 private cars, 6 bus or truck units and 8 driving units [19659002] Read also: Lost 1.5 years in the Sukabumi Sea, Nining Found Congratulations to the seaside

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