Drinking coffee protects the cells of the heart


NOT just delicious, coffee is also useful. It is not unusual that the habit of drinking coffee teaches in various cultures, including Indonesia. Seeing the various kindness, coffee consumption every day does not hurt.

But to get a myriad of benefits offered, coffee should always be consumed within reasonable limits. Because this type of drink contains caffeine, which, entering the body in large quantities, can cause various health problems.

According to a Newsweek study, citing Klikdokter, drinking four cups of coffee a day can trigger a positive process that can protect heart cells. Researchers who have studied the relationship between coffee and cardiovascular health have discovered that caffeine can help the p27 protein regulate the power of cells called mitochondria. The protein binds a specific part of the DNA and plays a role in how the gene is expressed.

From here, we can see that four cups of coffee a day are enough to protect cell death and improve the process that helps the organs to recover after a heart attack.

The research involved various objects, such as rats, prediabetes and obesity. The researchers claim that the epidemiological study involved about 400,000 participants. "The results of the study should lead to better strategies to protect the heart muscle from damage, including the consumption of coffee or caffeine as an additional dietary factor in the elderly population," said a researcher of the 39; IUF-Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine in Duesseldorf.

Do not stop there, Haendeler also explained that increasing the mitochondria of caffeine in coffee can serve as a potential therapeutic strategy. According to him, this does not apply only to the heart, but to other important organs. ( lic)

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