Drinking iced water Make fat, what is it?


Liputan6.com, Jakarta Perhaps you have heard a friend say, "Eh, if you drink ice water later, fat lho" . To be weight loss, he can panic. However, is it true that drinking ice water makes you fat?

The ice of drinking water after eating is so personalized that some people. He said that drinking ice water was more refreshing than water at room temperature.

Indeed, drinking water or mineral water while doing cold temperatures at no extra cost does not make you fat because of zero calories. However, if ice water is mixed with other elements that contain sugar, as presented by a clinical nutrition specialist from FKUI-RSCM Jakarta, Diana Sunardi

"For example, we add iced water or sweet iced tea. sugar in the icy water that makes the fat, "said Diana during a meeting in South Jakarta on Thursday (05/07/2018).

See also the following interesting video :

BE HEALTHY: The Rules of Sport to Lose Weight

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