Drugs caught, Dhawiya Tense attends each trial – VIVA


VIVA – Due to being caught in a drug case, Dhawiya is still being tried. Dhawiya was rumored to always feel tense during the trial.

But it is true that the family, slowly, the state of Dhawiya has improved. The sister, Fitria had also seen, before, the condition of Dhawiya seems unusual

"Alhamdulillah he is now good, he started rather calm Yesterday a little less calm, now Alhamdulillah already calm," said Fitria when his meeting at Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 11, 2018.

Fitria sometimes heard what the Dhawiya complained about. One of them, the least successful trial. In fact, Dhawiya's heart beat every time before the trial.

"He is a little upset when he likes to drown if the lawsuit, kirain he wants to finish this little," said Fitria. always want the best for Dhawiya. The family plan will come when Dhawiya undergoes the next trial. However, it has not materialized yet due to everyone's agitation.

"So, our ideals yesterday, the plan, the children already want to attend the trial, but baseball, so baseball could meet Dhawiya.Rencanaya meet tomorrow, in good health," he said.

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